Throughout the day we have four informative panel disscussions planned. They will cover engaging with new government officials, our technological landscape, property insurance and risks, and sustainability and workforce dynamics.

PLEASE NOTE: Space for the Think Tank is at full capacity. However, if you would like to be added to our wait list, please submit your details below and we will contact you should space become available. Thank you.




Welcome by Maslow General Manager Herman (Harry) Swart followed by Dimitris Manikis of Wyndham Hotels speaking on Global Hospitality Trends.

  • Panel 1: Talking to newly elected officials of Government and will invite Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Tourism, burning questions being around Visas, Service Delivery, Electricity, Water and Waste it was also agreed that the Director General should be invited and if current ministers not elected then we would invite past ministers to feedback on their tenure and suggestions for their newly appointed minister.
  • Panel 2: Technology conversation around the dilemma of systems talking to one another, seamless connectivity and dealing with disrupters and driving direct bookings.
  • Panel 3: Insuring your properties and the current difficulties around disaster management (particularly Thatch cover and business interruption), cybercrime, and protection of information.
  • Panel 4: Sustainability & People issues regarding utilisation of renewable energy, water scarcity and waste recycling coupled with working across multiple generations Creating Employment opportunities by working with Private sector. Partnerships launching Think Big Academy

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PLEASE NOTE: Space for the Think Tank is at full capacity. However, if you would like to be added to our wait list, please submit your details below and we will contact you should space become available. Thank you.






WHEN: Friday, 12 July, 08:00-17:00

WHERE: The Maslow Hotel Rivonia Rd, Grayston Dr, Sandton

We could not host these impactful conversations without the invaluable contributions of our key collaborators in the industry. Their dedication and expertise are the cornerstone of our think tank, enabling us to not only provide a dynamic platform for discussion but also to drive meaningful action on the critical factors shaping our industry.

Together, we are making significant strides towards a brighter future. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our partners for their unwavering support and commitment to our shared goals.